Tuesday, 21 June 2016

With the intention of leaving the UK at the end of June, preparations are hotting up, especially as we are also selling the house and have to sift through 25 years of accumulated contents as well.

Sadly the Landrover based camper we used for our African trip in 2007, and going "Round the Baltic" last year has been sold due to unreliability, and we are setting off in a different vehicle - a camper based on a Landcruiser HZJ79 with the bodywork constructed by Custom Campers in Germany, and the internal fit out completed by myself. It has taken far longer than expected, but is almost complete now. The vehicle has passed its Individual Vehicle Inspection and we are now just waiting for the paperwork from DVLA which will give it a registration number and road tax. Once this is completed we will be able to apply for the various visas we will need to travel through some countries en route. 


  1. have an exciting journey in doing something you always wanted. stay safe. Regards Joseph

  2. Hi Ed,

    In your travel to China, you may want to visit Southern Xinjiang: Prefecture of Ten Thousand Mountains. See link below.


    Am sure that Sue and yourself will enjoy the beautiful scenary.

