Monday, 11 July 2016

Away - at last

After a hectic few weeks selling the house and preparing the van we eventually left the UK on 7th July - catching a late ferry and driving to near Thiepval where we were due to attend a commemorative service for the fallen of the Somme on 8th. A very moving experience in lovely warm weather. The next objective - we have to be near Nurenburg in S Germany on Monday to have a rear differential lock fitted at Tom's, so drove through the rolling golden countryside, passing many combine harvesters at work, and stopping on a site near the French German border. Having added many last minute items we spent a morning repacking and reorganising before hitting the German autobahns and driving to Wirtzburg. A lazy day catching up on sleep before the short drive to Tom's where we are in their reception area while they work on the vehicle.

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